
Check out Arthur’s CV and Google Scholar page


28. Kennelly C, Tran P, Prindle A. Environmental purines decrease Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation by disrupting c-di-GMP metabolism. Cell Reports (2024).

27. Tran P, Lander S, Prindle A. Active pH regulation facilitates Bacillus subtilis biofilm development in a minimally buffered environment. mBio (2024).


26. Xia JY, Hepler C, Tran P, Waldeck NJ, Bass J, Prindle AEngineered calprotectin-sensing probiotics for IBD surveillance in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2023).


25. Everett BATran PPrindle AToward manipulating serotonin signaling via the microbiota–gut–brain axis. Current Opinion in Biotechnology (2022).


24. Boyd M, Davis A, Chamber N, Tran P, Prindle A, Kamat N. Vesicle-based sensors for extracellular potassium detection. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering (2021).

23. Quillin SJ, Tran P, Prindle A. Potential Roles for Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
Signaling in Bacterial Communities
. Bioelectricity (2021).

22. Ford N, Fisher G, Prindle A, Chopp D. A Two-Dimensional Model of Potassium Signaling and Oscillatory Growth in a Biofilm. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2021).

21. Tran P, Prindle A. Synthetic biology in biofilms: Tools, challenges, and opportunities. Biotechnology Progress (2021).


20. Schofield Z, Meloni GN, Tran P, Zerfass C, Sena G, Hayashi Y, Grant M, Contera SA, Minteer SD, Kim M, Prindle A, Rocha P, Djamgoz MBA, Pilizota T, Unwin PR, Asally M, Soyer OS. Bioelectrical understanding and engineering of cell biology. Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2020).

19. Yang CY, Bialecka-Fornal M, Weatherwax C, Larkin J, Prindle A, Liu J, Garcia-Ojalvo J, Süel G. Encoding membrane-potential-based memory within a microbial community. Cell Systems (2020).


18. Martinez-Corral R, Liu J, Prindle A, Süel G, Garcia-Ojalvo J. Metabolic basis of brain-like electrical signaling in bacterial communitiesPhilosophical Transactions B (2019).


17. Larkin J, Zhai X, Kikuchi K, Redford S, Prindle A, Liu J, Greenfield S, Walczak A, Garcia-Ojalvo J, Mugler A, Süel G. Signal percolation within a bacterial communityCell Systems (2018).


16. Lee D, Prindle A, Liu J, Süel G. Electrochemical communication in biofilms. Cell (2017).

15. Liu J, Martinez-Corral R, Prindle A, Lee D, Larkin J, Gabalda-Sagarra M, Garcia-Ojalvo J, Süel G. Coupling between distant biofilms and emergence of nutrient time-sharing. Science (2017).

14. Humphries, J, Xiong L, Liu J, Prindle A, Yuan F, Arjes HA, Tsimring L, Süel G. Species-independent attraction to biofilms through electrical signals. Cell (2017).


13. Din MO, Danino T, Prindle A, Skalak M, Selimkhanov J, Allen K, Julio E, Atolia E, Tsimring L, Bhatia SN, Hasty J. Synchronized cycles of bacterial lysis for in vivo delivery. Nature (2016).


12. Prindle A, Liu J, Asally M, Ly S, Garcia-Ojalvo J, Süel G. Ion channels enable electrical communication in bacterial communities. Nature (2015).

11. Liu J, Prindle A, Humphries J, Gabalda-Sagarra M, Asally M, Lee D, Ly S, Garcia-Ojalvo J, Süel G. Metabolic co-dependence gives rise to collective oscillations within biofilms. Nature (2015).

10. Danino T, Prindle A, Kwong G, Skalak M, Li H, Allen K, Hasty J, Bhatia SN. Programmable probiotics for detection of cancer in urine. Science Translational Medicine (2015).


9. Prindle A, Selimkhanov J, Li H, Razinkov I, Tsimring L, Hasty J. Rapid and tunable post-translational coupling of genetic circuits. Nature (2014).


8. Danino T, Prindle A, Hasty J, Bhatia SN. Measuring growth and gene expression dynamics of tumor-targeted S. typhimurium bacteria. JoVE (2013).

7. Prindle A. Synthetic biology at all scales. Trends in Biotechnology (2013).

6. Prindle A, Stanton B. The First Annual Winter q-bio Meeting: Quantitative biology on the Hawaiian Islands. ACS Synthetic Biology (2013).


5. Prindle A, Hasty J. Making gene circuits sing. PNAS (2012).

4. Prindle A, Selimkhanov J, Danino T, Samayoa P, Goldberg A, Bhatia SN, Hasty J. Genetic circuits in Salmonella typhimurium. ACS Synthetic Biology (2012).

3. Danino T, Lo J, Prindle A, Hasty J, Bhatia SN. In vivo gene expression dynamics of tumor-targeted bacteria. ACS Synthetic Biology (2012).

2. Prindle A, Samayoa P, Razinkov I, Danino T, Tsimring L, Hasty J. A sensing array of radically coupled genetic ‘biopixels’. Nature (2012).


1. Prindle A, Hasty J. Stochastic emergence of groupthinkScience (2010).

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